Our dream at Nature’s Schoolyard is for every school to have a learning garden. Gardens are natural learning laboratories where all subjects can be explored—enabling kids to play, dream, create and connect with Mother Earth.
Garden Design Project K-5
Prod# NSYGA_002
10 Stepping Stones to Design a Children’s Garden
Gardens provide opportunities for children to explore and connect to the natural world and to empower caring stewardship of our planet. We have developed gardening lessons to teach children gardening basics to give them the tools to design and to create their dream gardens.
To guide you in the creation of a children's garden, please follow our 10 stepping stone pathway to sow the seeds of learning and harvest a crop of students actively engaged in learning and empowered global citizens who will use their education and talents to help
save our planet.
Lesson Plan K-5
Prod# NSYGA_001
Sunflower House
Creating a Sunflower House is one of the easiest gardens to create, and a Sunflower House provides a rich source of pollen for bees. After the sunflowers are pollinated by the bees, the sunflowers produce seed to feed birds and squirrels. A Sunflower House is a living hidey-hole for children to play and observe nature at work or just curl up and read a good book—perhaps Sunflower House, by Eve Bunting or Into the Trees, Honey Bees, by Lori Mortensen and then discuss “What's the Buzz about Bees?”
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